Awesome advice MiddleMe. All the best and warmest regards…


Everyone has their bad habits when comes to personal lifestyles, your work style is not spare either. Meanwhile, if you are an employee, you probably will be told of your bad habits during appraisals but you won’t be that lucky if you are a freelancer. As a freelancer, one con to this career path is that you hardly get honest feedback because you manage everything on your own. Today, let’s have a chat about the bad habits I spot in both myself and other freelancers, the need to change or curb these habits that might just be the bottleneck that stalls your success as a freelancer.


Stop belittling yourself
You can see this from either side of the coin, head or tail. Head – you are in charge of your own projects, you call the shots on how, when and where you do your tasks, you manage your time and…

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