A Freelancers Best Friend

The Freelancers Best Friend The Road of a Freelancer is full of adventure. There are many who experience the constant ups and down in a life of a Freelancer. It is a lonely individual quest, a constant search for personal fulfillment and gratification.  A Freelancer is always confined to his computer. His laptop is a tool, …Read more A Freelancers Best Friend

Dell Inspiron 15 (3521) Beep Codes Diagnostic Indicators

This will show you the Diagnostic Beep Codes for the Inspiron 15 (3521). Source: Dell Inspiron 15 (3521) Beep Codes Diagnostic Indicators Most of us encounter beeps from our handheld Android, Desktop, and Laptop. Most of the times we take them for granted. I just thought this would be a good reference especially for those…Read more Dell Inspiron 15 (3521) Beep Codes Diagnostic Indicators

Freelance Is’nt FREE Act

Freelance Isn’t Free Act - https://wp.me/p2QlaW-hN I had an interesting teleconference with a friend and former boss who is based in the United States. Really was happy to share some of my experience in Social Media. My former boss had a business proposal to share with me and the former employees of a defunct Information…Read more Freelance Is’nt FREE Act

Habits of 15 Successful Filipino Freelancers — The Youthful Granny

Do you ever wonder what successful Filipino freelancers do on a day-to-day basis? How do they apply for work? How do they deal with clients? What are their habits? Read on and find out. via Habits of 15 Successful Filipino Freelancers — The Youthful Granny Great way to start the year. I'm really honored to share…Read more Habits of 15 Successful Filipino Freelancers — The Youthful Granny

11000 Quotes,Saying & Status

If you have goals and procrastination you have nothing. If you have goals and you take action, you will have anything you want. -Thomas J. Vilord Share such beautiful quotes and sayings with this free app from your Android phone and tablet: http://www.amazon.com/Internet-Design-Zone-Quotes-Sayings/dp/B00EHH44RW/ref=sr_1_28?s=mobile-apps&ie=UTF8&qid=1391431753&sr=1-28