Freelancers – Learning Never Stops

There is an old popular saying " You can not teach an old dog new tricks". The good thing is I never believed in such saying. On the contrary, I firmly believe as long as you live-the learning process never stops. These past few months, I  keep myself busy in order not to succumb to…Read more Freelancers – Learning Never Stops

Android Devices,Gadgets And Tablets – Tools Or Toys?

It has been a few days since our Internet has been acting up. Decided to use my time in a productive way. It is 6:05 in the evening, the darkness of the night is slowly creeping. I hear some birds sweetly tweeting welcoming the evening in delight. A few days ago I made the foolish…Read more Android Devices,Gadgets And Tablets – Tools Or Toys?

Freelancers work anywhere -The Hospital Hotspot Ubuntu and Windows Synchronization

Freelancers work anywhere, as long as they are connected to a hot-spot. A comfortable and cozy place to work in. Not to mention the needed conducive spot. You can say you are good to go, enjoy the ambiance and start working. But what if? You are in a private room in a hospital and given…Read more Freelancers work anywhere -The Hospital Hotspot Ubuntu and Windows Synchronization

About Me! Nice Pointers! About Me? Not really, they say sharing is caring. I found an article informative and worth sharing. WordPress is full of rich information. Careful thoughts and ideas are written and composed by many creative and gifted writers and bloggers. Unfortunately, just like you're truly,  and many other writers. People seem to be in a…Read more About Me! Nice Pointers!

Essential PIM’s vs Microsoft One Notes Part 2 – Note Taking Management Solutions

  Why Note Taking is important? Back in my College days, it is common to hear the Professors say.  Bring out your pen and notebook start taking down the following Notes. Note Taking is important for any gathering, meetings or social occasion. It is essential to jot, scribble down, and write important pointers and topics which…Read more Essential PIM’s vs Microsoft One Notes Part 2 – Note Taking Management Solutions

Essential Project Information Management System Vs Microsoft One Notes For Freelancer s Part 1

Title: Essential Pims vs Microsoft OneNote For a decade I was wondering if there was an app you can use as a text editor to write a school report, a story or even a draft of a news report. I was thinking of using to write drafts or publish a document immediately. I used to…Read more Essential Project Information Management System Vs Microsoft One Notes For Freelancer s Part 1

A Freelancers Best Friend

The Freelancers Best Friend The Road of a Freelancer is full of adventure. There are many who experience the constant ups and down in a life of a Freelancer. It is a lonely individual quest, a constant search for personal fulfillment and gratification.  A Freelancer is always confined to his computer. His laptop is a tool, …Read more A Freelancers Best Friend

Habits of 15 Successful Filipino Freelancers — The Youthful Granny

Do you ever wonder what successful Filipino freelancers do on a day-to-day basis? How do they apply for work? How do they deal with clients? What are their habits? Read on and find out. via Habits of 15 Successful Filipino Freelancers — The Youthful Granny Great way to start the year. I'm really honored to share…Read more Habits of 15 Successful Filipino Freelancers — The Youthful Granny

Wondering Thoughts The Wild Adventure of a Digital Nomad after a Year -November 21,2017

Happy Anniversary with! You registered on one year ago. Thanks for flying with us. Keep up the good blogging. Wild Life and the Crossroads A few nights ago, I saw an old 2014 movie starring Ms. Reese Weatherspoon. The movie "WILD", is about a journey of a young American Lady named Cheryl. She…Read more Wondering Thoughts The Wild Adventure of a Digital Nomad after a Year -November 21,2017