Why you must stop posting every detail of your life on social media! – Calm Insights

http://calminsights.com/why-you-must-stop-posting-every-detail-of-your-life-on-social-media/?fbclid=IwAR2LKpXKuzK5TW_QOByi6ErnFlBUiZIx87NHiM6vob4uyRUdbObdSB9STj Hi Everyone, I believe in sharing your story especially if you have something to tell. I  also realize I have not written for some time. For personal reasons, I have decided to sort out many things that have been going on in my life and family for the past few months, but in due…Read more Why you must stop posting every detail of your life on social media! – Calm Insights

Freelancers work anywhere -The Hospital Hotspot Ubuntu and Windows Synchronization

Freelancers work anywhere, as long as they are connected to a hot-spot. A comfortable and cozy place to work in. Not to mention the needed conducive spot. You can say you are good to go, enjoy the ambiance and start working. But what if? You are in a private room in a hospital and given…Read more Freelancers work anywhere -The Hospital Hotspot Ubuntu and Windows Synchronization

Teltelestei – It is Done.

Teltelestei    - is a Greek Word τετέλεσται meaning "It is finished", which according to St John, are the last words of Jesus on the cross. My Dad, Renato Salumbides Ira, passed away at the age of 89 quietly on his sleep on a warm Saturday afternoon just last April 7,2018. We were about to attend…Read more Teltelestei – It is Done.

Social Media,History, and Reality

The Cholera Epidemic of 1902-1905 This nightmare started on March 20, 1902 when two cases resembling cholera were admitted at San Juan de Dios Hospital for treatment. Hospital physicians immediately notified the Board of Health. Within an hour, a Health Commissioner arrived and confirmed the diagnosis. Just as cholera had done in other countries, the Philippines proved to be a fertile ground. In the first three days, thirty-seven cases were confirmed. In just ten days, the cases rocketed to one hundred & two with an astounding death rate of ninety percent.

Wondering Thought’s -Your Health and Libreng Pagamot “Free Medicine.7.8.2017 UPDATE

A thought just occurred to me, this program should be properly decimated to every young and old professional.  I am referring to those working in the Business Processing Outsourcing Centers or Call Centers as well as Freelancers.  This information should be good to know especially if you value your health and your life.